The overhead press is an upper body exercise that builds strength in the shoulders, arms, and upper back. The legs and core are used to stabilize the body during the movement.
Primary Muscles involved
In the following video, take note of the two segments of the exercise: Stance, Press.
Stance -- Pay attention to the placement of the hands, placement of the bar, position of your elbows, position of your legs, and position of your back.
Your hands should be placed just outside your shoulders in a narrow grip with wrists straight.
The bar should rest on the front of your shoulder with forearms vertical.
Your legs should be at a comfortable width and fully extended with the hip.
Your lower back should not be arched back, but your upper back should.
Press -- Press the bar upwards until your elbows are locked and your shoulders are raised. The bar should be directly above your head at the top. Bring the bar down the same way it was raised.
Each variation requires different coordination compared to the normal overhead press.
Dumbbell Press
The back arches less in the dumbbell press due to the nature of the equipment. The weights are allowed to rest beside the head instead of out front. The press remains the same.
Machine Press
The machine press is performed sitting down. The movement is similar, but the coordination gained from the exercise in the supporting muscles is non-existent.